Soaking hydrotherapy stimulates the contact and temperature receptors located on the surface of your skin, which promotes relaxation, stress relief, natural cardiovasuclar exercise and increased circulation.
Millions of warm air bubbles enter the bath through strategically spaced air jets. AirMasseur® hydrotherapy engages the light-touch receptors just below the surface of the skin and promotes further calming, relaxation and circulation.
MicroSilk® hydrotherapy creates oxygen-rich microbubbles that reach gently into pores, increasing the skin's metabolism while promoting skin cell growth, and the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and scar formation.
Whirlpool hydrotherapy brings about true physiological change in your body by engaging the pressure receptors located deeper in the muscle's tissue. This relieves tight and stressed muscels while promoting tissue rejuvenation and joint flexibility.
MicroSilk®-AirMasseur® Hydrotherapy
A combination bath that delivers the benefits of both MicroSilk—a new skin rejuvenating technology—and AirMasseur® bubbles to stimulate the body’s light-touch receptors.
MicroSilk®-Whirlpool Hydrotherapy
From the epidermis to the muscle tissues, this combination provides the skin rejuvenating health benefits of oxygen-rich MicroSilk microbubbles with the deep, relaxing muscle therapy of whirlpool jets.
Air-Whirlpool Hydrotherapy
Acting as the bathing equivalent of both Swedish and deep-tissue massage, this combination allows for stimulation of light-touch receptors and pressure receptors through the combination of AirMasseur® and Whirlpool hydrotherapies.