Customer Testimonials
Do you have your own testimonial you wish to share?
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"Let me start by saying I was skeptical about the MicroSilk process. My wife really wanted this feature on our Jason Tub so I called in to Jason's tech support to get an idea of how it worked. After their explanation and more importantly my wife's persistence we decided to add the MicroSilk feature. Am I glad we did! Since I was a kid I would get a rash after exercising, doing yard work, basically any time I worked up a sweat. For years I've used various lotions with hydrocortisone and even went to a dermatologist but the remedy was always a short term fix. However, since I've been using MicroSilk the irritated skin on my chest and back is gone! You can literally feel the microscopic bubbles cleaning the pores of your skin. I'm a believer and thanks Jason Tubs!"
Ernest M.
"I loved the feel of MicroSilk. The bubbles feel like they are attaching themselves to your body and just caressing it. My skin felt very refreshed and plumped and made me feel better all over."
- Sharon R.
"I was totally captivated by the new Jason Microsilk and will be purchasing one. I could not believe the difference it made in the look and feel of my arm which went through the 20 minutes. My arm felt cleaner , looked lighter and healthier , relieved a burn I had on my hand and was so much softer than my other arm, it was just incredible. I am so looking forward to actually soaking in my own tub, I can't wait!!! Thank you"
- Susan M.
"Your skin feels like you applied the best lotion on the market without the greasy feeling."
- Pete S.
"Made my skin feel as soft as a baby."
- Stephanie K.
"MicroSilk felt like I was at a spa getting a full body massage. It left my skin feeling and looking like it has never felt before: young, plump and hydrated!"
Amanda K.
"After MicroSilk my skin had a glow of youthfulness to it."
"MicroSilk was an out of the box hydrotherapy experience. This changed the way I think of bathing!"
Alex C.
"I want one!! I joked that I needed some snorkeling equipment so I could get it on my face!"
Jill V.
"MicroSilk feels great. Skin feels hydrated and looks younger."
Roselyn S.
"MicroSilk is a spa treatment without going to a spa resort."
- George M.
"The ladies I work with were truly amazed at the difference in softness in my hands. I'm still trying to figure out how to include my face in the therapy. Talk about saving money on wrinkle creams! I'm thinking SCUBA! :)"
- Becky B.
"MicroSilk gave me a cleaner, more invigorating feeling!"
- Don M.
"MicroSilk is the next generation in bathing."
- Paul C.
"MicroSilk felt like a fountain of youth in a quick soak. Using aromatherapy with the MicroSilk rejuvenated my entire body, I felt younger and more energetic than ever."
- Debbie R.
"MicroSilk felt amazing. It made my skin so soft; I continued to feel it for hours afterwards. It stayed with me; it was not something that went away after an hour."
- Debbie F.
"I would like to thank you for your demonstration of the Jason Microsilk system at the Best Plumbing Kitchen and Bath Showroom in Seattle, Washington, and all the assistance in making one to fit our home.
My wife’s long term skin condition, an itchy, red rash that biopsy showed to be eczema was my motivation to purchase it. After using it twice a week for a month, we no longer had to use the prescription Triameinolone acetonide cream, except on some spots where her head and neck did not get below the water line. What a relief.
I too, have had white dry scaly patches on my arms for years and after using the Microsilk around eight times I realized they had disappeared.
When you consider the expense of the dermatologist and the prescription medication, we feel the Microsilk was a wise investment, but, you can’t put a value on NOT ITCHING!"
Happy Customer…
Grant J.
"I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you about my experiences with your Microsilk technology and to do that I should give a little background on me. I was eleven years old when I was diagnosed with Psoriasis. By the time I was in high school, it was what the doctors’ label “severe”. People in the 1970’s were less informed and more phobic about virtually everything, so I had some difficult years. I tried every kind of remedy on the market and by the age of fourteen, my parents allowed me to begin making all my own decisions related to my health. I took some risks with experimental medicines, endured some uncomfortable treatments and learned to live with it. Since 2001, I have used mostly biologic treatments involving IV infusion or shots along with oral medication that inhibits cell growth. For a variety of reasons, I had to stop all medications in November 2010. By April 2011, my skin was totally out of control, my legs and arms were virtually covered with Psoriasis again. It was the worst it has been in many years. After a lifetime of dealing with this, I have a very high threshold of pain – but this episode was affecting everything from my ability to sleep to dealing with daily life.
As an executive in a Decorative Plumbing & Hardware firm, I was hearing talk about Jason’s innovative new product and the positive effect Microsilk technology can have on skin. I wondered what effect it might have on skin like mine. In May 2011, I began taking twice a week soaks in a Jason tub with Microsilk technology. The entire night after my first soak, my skin tingled for hours! The next morning the Psoriasis patches appeared to be less irritated, less red in color. After continued use, I found that while the Psoriasis did not go away, it reduced the irritation drastically and my skin began to feel softer. I was able to sleep better at night and was less on edge during the day. It had never occurred to me that part of the redness of the Psoriasis patches could be that bacteria was “caught” in the layers of skin causing irritation and redness. Soaking in the highly oxygenated water has truly made great difference for me. While using Microsilk has not cured my Psoriasis, and my personal experiences are just that – personal and not a medical trial, I wanted you to know that Microsilk has positively impacted my ability to deal with Psoriasis. It’s really great to do something so healthy after a lifetime of chemicals! I am starting on a new medication, but will keep Microsilk as part of my routine because I feel it makes as positive an impact on my ability to deal with Psoriasis as the medication does."
Thank you for providing such a powerful ally in my personal fight with Psoriasis.
Mary K.
"Hi! Thank you again for such an experience this past weekend. I really am excited! I have been suffering from what my doctors have told me is a horrible case of eczema as long as I can remember, constantly scratching and unable to have "healed" legs that look normal. I had the opportunity to place my legs in the MicroSilk demo tub yesterday,and its a day later and, I have NOT scratched my legs!!!! I've not "felt" that URGE to scratch, which this is unbelievable to me. Especially having to fly home alone and having a lay over and well... just "stressed" times if the itch was there I would have itched.
Thank you and everyone who made this possible!! I really hope that the Encore, or a 60X32 tub with a integral apron comes in this so when its time, I can have the chance of using it on a daily basis and have relief all the time!!! This is unbelievable!"
Sarah T.